Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Hi all,
Nathan's cousin, Steve, came to visit us for a few days, and last weekend we all went up to Oxford for the weekend. We managed to catch up with Auntie Jenny and Uncle Chris, as well as Rich from back home, who's studying there, and Mim from Nath's church, who's just moved to Oxford.

We had a trip out to Chiselhampton, currently a building site - J&C are re-doing their house entirely. So far the walls are up, and the roof due to go on soon. You get quite an idea for the place even as a shell, as can visualise how it's all going to look - very impressive! And interesting to see it all 'in progress'. J&C then very kindly took us out for dinner to the Kas Bar, which is a Moroccan place with sort of tapas-style food (ie. lots of little plates of things). It's a really fabulous place - very buzzing, and decor is quite something.

On Sunday we hung out with Rich, at an Australian-New Zealand BBQ, and went for a bit of a walk around Oxford. Also got to have a walk around Magdalen College with Cat, his girlfriend (who's lovely) - which was very impressive, especially with the deer!

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