Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hi there!
This is a bit strange - never had a blog before.
Things have been going well, and I feel like I'm settling in to life in the UK. There have been a lot of changes in a relatively short space of time, so it's been pretty full on. I've now been working for almost 2 weeks, and have been over here for 3. Well, what's happened?...

I've hung out with Nath, which has been great to be in the same country again! And I feel like I've got quite a support group already, with lots of 'ready made' friends of his from church, who don't make me feel like I'm tagging along at all, but have really included me and been lovely.

The important stuff has all got sorted reasonably easily: we got given a car! Which is just amazing, what a blessing! I've moved into my new flat - terraced house. And the other boring stuff like bank accounts and insurance are sorted too.

Work's going ok, a little slow to start off as my boss has been away these first 2 weeks! It's pretty different to work at home both in terms of what I'm doing, and the atmosphere is a little less social, but I'm sure I'll get to know people better soon enough. Next week I'm going to a conference at Warwick Uni, with I think about 400 others from the various FaberMaunsell offices. It sounds like it'll be mainly a social thing, with a complementary bar in the evening! Oh oh.

There's been plenty of social stuff on - too much for me! I'm already starting to have to say no, to preserve my sleep and my sanity!! Last weekend we had a wedding reception and a 21st to go to, which was great. I'll try and put some photos on. This weekend a church ball, and next weekend catching up with some family. During the week, there's lots on with small group, meeting up with people at the pub, seeing Nath, and next week am starting scottish dancing again.

Church is good, and I feel already really at home at Nathan's church, because everyone's been so welcoming. They are pretty similar in many respects to St Pauls, but have more of a community feeling and larger range of ages. The way it seems to work is everyone goes to the morning service and then the evening one is for those who want to go a bit deeper and a bit more contemplative. I've added myself to Nath's small group, which I think is where I'll stay. It's also been really nice to meet families that will have us over for Sunday lunch, it's good to be around families when you're away from home.

That's enough for now I think. Lets see if it works!

1 comment:

Fi Williams said...

Ah yes, should have mentioned... an African themed party. :)