Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Prague Birthday

Hi all,
Thanks for my birthday wishes :)
Though my birthday was on Tuesday, I decided to spread it over the weekend. They have a great policy at work here where you get your birthday day off as authorised leave! So I took Monday off too and had a 4 day weekend (which also makes for a 3 day week - very nice). So on the weekend we went to Prague for two nights. It was fantastic! Great fun, all very easy: perfect for a 3 day trip - public transport very good and everyone spoke English. Prague is beautiful - has amazing architecture, lots of very grandiose buildings - with a mixture of styles of Baroque, Gothic and Art Nouveau. Lots of little cobbled winding streets - quite magical. We were really lucky with the weather - had two beautiful blue sky sunny days on Sat and Sunday, and it only started to pack up a bit when we were on our way to the airport on Monday. It was really nice as well to go for a trip and not have to have everything super-organised. We just did what we felt like without stressing about things - had enough time to just wander about and get the feel of the place. We especially enjoyed the markets and the cheap food places! We also managed to fit in a trip to the theatre (black light theatre, apparently it's a special Prague thing), a city sightseeing tour, dinner in a gypsy restaurant, and seeing the astrological clock (bit of a let down!).

So we got back on Monday evening, and then I went to watch gladiator with Mim Liz and Pete.
Yesterday (Tuesday) was really chilled - I just wandered round town not being at work, did some baking, then had some pancakes and watched a film with Nathan.

A lovely birthday/birthweekend.
25. Still seems quite old.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


It was snowing this morning. Very exciting. Except that I found out my shoes leak and had wet socks by the time I got to work :(

Last weekend was a really good one! Went up to London to visit the cousins. But first, randomly, got a call from a mate from back home who was coming to Bath for the weekend! (Kieran O'Leary), so I caught up with him on the Friday night and again on the Sunday afternoon.

In London I had a string of social engagements - my cousins entertaining and organising me made for a very relaxed and enjoyable weekend. Had brunch with Cowan cousins Becca and Emma, then went for a walk in Richmond park while B went for a 2 hour run! (crazy). It's lovely - a massive great park in the middle of London. And it was a lovely day for it.

Then chilled for a bit and watched the rugby before heading out to Efstratiou cousin Mel's for dinner - which was delish. Cousin Marcus, and 2 of Mels friends from Italy joined us (Richard and Ju). Really fun evening, lots of laughter and wine :)

Stayed the night at Mel's and then went off to other Cowan cousin Oli and girlfriend Laura for Sunday lunch, which was again lovely.

After I got back on Sunday afternoon caught up with Kieran again. Went to church, which was a great Holy Spirit time, and am feeling really excited about God now.

Has been another busy week with things on after work though, and I think tonight's just going to be a bit of a chill-out time.

This weekend am staying in Bath, and then next weekend off to Prague for my birthday!!! How exciting!